equipping social entrepreneurs for lasting impact


The best people to solve a problem are the ones who live with it everyday!


Today’s solutions must address the whole person, the whole society and the whole nation. We see reality encompassing body, mind and spirit.


Partnerships work best when we offer each other the skills we have learned. Our approach is mutual; we give while we receive.

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The Venezuela Crisis


We are moved by the problems plaguing Venezuela and are partnering with leaders to bring solutions to both the poverty inside the country and for the refugees now arriving in Colombia, Brazil and beyond.
It is estimated that more than 4 million Venezuelans have left the county in the last five years.
First, were those with enough resources to buy plane tickets relocating to Europe, the United States, and beyond. Now it is the turn of those taking buses and walking the rest of the way. The numbers crossing the bridge that links Venezuela and Colombia in the city of Cúcuta continues to overwhelm anyone’s imagination. It is estimated that over 100,000 Venezuelans are in Cúcuta alone at this moment with more coming every day.
The same is happening to the south in Brasil. The difference is that going to Brasil means going through the Amazon jungle. Boa Vista, a city of 250,000 is the first urban center. Having done their best to receive the newcomers, they are now desperately trying to figure out how to attend to them. The state’s governor has declared a state of emergency.


At the moment, together with Nexus, our partners in Venezuela, we are working on ways to support groups of churches that are stretching their resources to serve Venezuelans. We are currently raising funds and essential supplies for those struggling under the economic stress, helping to train Bible College students in social enterprise, and developing a sustainable agricultural project to help feed the locals and their neighbors.


There are many ways you can get involved to bring relief and restoration to the crisis in this country,

See our other projects.

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