Paving a New Path: Grassroots Efforts Amidst Political Turmoil in Venezuela

The recent elections in the United Kingdom and France have brought about significant changes for both nations. The UK embarks on a new path as the Labour Party takes control of the government with a supermajority in Parliament. In contrast, French President Macron faces an uncertain future, despite his party retaining the largest bloc, due to a strengthened opposition.

Despite these transformative outcomes, both nations enjoyed open and free electoral processes—a luxury Venezuelans yearn for in their upcoming elections on July 28th.

Following the 25-year political experiment initiated by Hugo Chávez in 1999 and continued by Nicolás Maduro in 2013, Venezuelans long for change. However, there are few guarantees that all Venezuelans’ votes will be respected. In May 2024, the Maduro government withdrew its invitation for a European Union election observation mission. Then, last month, the United Nations announced it would deploy a team of four experts to monitor the elections. These experts have arrived in Caracas and will stay until after the elections, meeting with all political actors, although they will not be permitted to make any public comments on their observations.

Amid the stress and uncertainty these circumstances create for Venezuelans, both within the country and the more than 8 million living abroad, there is a prevailing sentiment that we must continue our work to establish new enterprises and provide essential goods and services to local communities.

Our services, which include co-working spaces for entrepreneurs in the community as well as training facilities and equipment, are fostering new opportunities for development and progress. These opportunities are making a tangible difference in the lives of families, enabling them to sustain themselves and bring hope to others.

We believe that by implementing our vision, we are empowering people to stay in the country. The journey to any other destination is fraught with peril, and doors are closing in most host countries.

To achieve our goal, we have launched an initiative to equip and support 100 new entrepreneurs, allowing them to make a difference while staying in Venezuela. We currently have 15 operating and need $2,000 for each of the remaining 85 entrepreneurs. We kindly request your consideration in joining our cause by supporting one of these aspiring entrepreneurs

Back to Venezuela

At the end of November, I finally received my Venezuelan passport and in early December I went back to Venezuela after a 15 year absence. I left the country almost 50 years ago and have been back 4 times since then. I was in a place where so much looked familiar and evoked lost memories yet everything felt different.

The people looked the same but their ways took some adjusting to. One significant difference was their acknowledgement of the sacred even in the smallest details. I grew up during a time when the country was most prosperous and there was abundance, the most common conversation was the next party or the next jaunt to Miami to buy stuff; back then Venezuelans were known as the ones who always bough two of everything and as the largest consumer of scotch whisky in the world.

The narrative now includes an acknowledgment of God in everyones life and conversations are peppered with awareness, acknowledgement and a deeper consciousness that life depends upon something much bigger than all of us.

The last 25 years have been unprecedentedly difficult for Venezuelans. President Hugo Chavez started in 1999 by making needed adjustments to every aspect of life through his Bolivarian Revolution; from the changing of the name of the country to the way history was taught, Chavez wanted to decouple the country from its colonial past and from its dependence to the United States.

In 2008 when I visited last, I saw many positive changes that impacted the average person in the streets. It was great to see senior citizens who had free access to basic services and were paid their pensions after waiting for so many years wondering if they were getting anything. The revenue of the oil bonanza on the early 2000’s was used to help many of the poor.

In the other hand, President Chavez also let loose a spirit of division by fomenting a hate of the upper classes. He suppressed the press, manipulated electoral laws and arrested and exiled government critics. In systematic and in ever present ways life in Venezuela became all about Chavez and his presence everywhere. Upon his death at the age of 58 in early 2013 he basically handed power to Nicolas Maduro, a former bus driver and union leader who has ruled the country till now.

Food and medicine shortages have led to waves of major daily protests since 2014. Although at this time, the protests have diminished as people are simply tired. I sense that Venezuelans who have stayed, are trying to recover some of their lost dignity. In spite of the the fact that all standards of life have diminished. For example, between November and December the basic food basket for a family of 4 has gone up from $480 to $522. Estimations by the United Nations and HumanRights Watch large numbers have experienced extrajudicial killings and more than seven million Venezuelans have been forced to leave the country, the majority simply walking away.

At the end of 2023, I found people with cautious hope and measured expectations. The previous painful and dark years have rooted people into a fresh awareness of their need for each other as a community and of God collectively.

In this complex scenario, for the last seven years I have worked together with local financial support to mentor and advise young leaders committed to the people and the country. We are now focused on three initiatives that generate several service possibilities which we would like to see replicated.

The first one is in Colonia Tovar, the German village east of Caracas. There we continue to grow vegetables to provide to the needy.

Secondly, is a co-working space in the business center of Valencia (Venezuela’s main industrial city). It is now used for startups, events and even a church gathers there weekly. We are also about to launch a radio station which will serve these groups. We aim to enable new communities to emerge out of these enterprises.

Finally, in partnership with Camino Alliance we are initiating a project in Flor Amarillo, a popular district of Valencia where we intend to run a live-in facility for Hagios our online training program. The goal is to have each student start a business to meet a community need and establish a new community.

A Venezuela Without The COVID-19 Vaccine

While the AstraZeneca vaccine for COVID-19 has been a boon for some countries such as Australia and Canada, a number of Scandinavian countries have suspended its use. Meanwhile, the economically strapped country of Venezuela, my home country, has rejected the AstraZeneca vaccine outright.

Although the official reasons cited include “effects on patients”, many news sources claim the vaccines have not been sent due to Venezuela’s debt to The World Health Organization.
In Venezuela the impact of the Corona virus has been devastating and will most likely worsen more than anyone dares to imagine. The government stopped releasing health data in 2016, so that no one has accurate numbers. They even cynically welcomed the relative calm that the lockdowns have created, seeing them as an unexpected benefit of Covid.

The absence of the Covid vaccine adds to the countries already fragile situation after years of economic woes. The Venezuelan people in desperation have exploded into all sorts of public demonstrations of dissent. Seven million have left the county.  The majority walking across the Colombian border to the west. And smaller numbers to the south through the Amazon jungle to Brasli.


The government has allowed such an exodus because it has reduced the pressure at home in Venezuela. Those who stayed have taken to the streets in all major cities, protesting the high levels of urban violence, inflation, chronic food shortages etc. The number of deaths, injuries, and arrests by the government forces are unknown.
The outbreak of the virus forced people indoors like everywhere else. Empty streets, reduction in transport activity, and lack of commerce have given the government a time of respite, which they have used to entrench themselves into their stubborn positions of power. Covid has become an ally to those who enslave the people of Venezuela. 
Yet for the average person the results have been devastating; not only are people going without food or medicine, but they now must deal with the insecurity of being locked up in homes with individuals many with unstable mental state.
Sexual and physical violence against women and children have skyrocketed. A survey by Save the Children revealed a desperate situation with almost one third of the surveyed households reporting that the isolation has resulted in an increase of aggression and hostility against mothers and children.
The suicide rates have also skyrocketed. Total suicides increased by 153% between 2015 and 2018 according to the Venezuelan Observatory of Violence(VOV). The researcher Gustavo Paez pointed out that Venezuela’s suicide rate between 1950 and 2014 shows an average of 4.4 cases per 100,000 citizens. However, the VOV estimates that this indicator went from a low of 2.1 in 2010 to 9.7 in 2018. While there is no data for 2020 it is estimated that the numbers have only increased and the number of suicides among children have reached unprecedented levels.
In response, we are equipping and training qualified people to serve as Amigos a la Mano (Caring Friends) who make themselves available to those in moments of need. Advertising their services through Instagram, they interact with people ,offering them a space to talk and receive care and empathy.
Next Step in Venezuela continues to serve the community.  We are providing affordable produce from our farm.  We also are conducting online education which prepares community leaders to meet the spiritual, and practical needs of their neighborhoods. And now through our Caring Friends initiative a helping hand is available for those suffering increased mental stress.
Your support for our work enables us to stand in the gap at this time. 

Venezuela Conversation at Menlo Church

Last year Next Step hosted an event at Menlo Church which outlined the historical issues and economic problems with Venezuela. We thought the problems would be somewhat short-lived with the possible and immanent replacement of President Nicolas Maduro with opposition leader Juan Guaido. Then things went south. Guaido has been struggling with a scandal that threatens his political aspirations.

So in the meantime. Nothing much has changed with Venezuela. Every day 5000 Venezuelans leave the country. Those who stay behind struggle with an economy that has seen inflation approach 2 million percent each year . Maduro recently raised the minimum wage 300% to $6.70 per month. The Venezuelan refugee crisis (4.6 million) is about to surpass the Syrian refugee crisis in terms of sheer numbers.

In 2019, Next Step partnered with Menlo Church to host a conversation regarding the problems with Venezuela and possible solutions. Speakers included Professor Diego A. Zambrand (Stanford University), Carlos Suarez (Justice International), Diego Travieso (Operation Blessing) and Wolfgang Fernandez (Next Step). I think we raised $40,000 for Venezuela.

Podcast is here.

We are thankful to Menlo Church and Senior Pastor John Ortberg for allowing this conversation to take place. And to Missions Director Dave Shields who emceed the meeting.

More at tallskinnykiwi

Harvest time

As life continues to be very challenging in Venezuela, we are thankful for our partners who faithfully continue to work hard as they seek to meet needs under unpredictable circumstances. 

This year, we have seen bountiful crops in the 10 acres of land available for us to use. We lost some crops, including 3,000 tomato plants, due to weather related difficulties yet have seen amazing results with black beans, onions, corn, peas, leeks and various other herbs that provide food to a community where scarcity has become the norm.

We recently planted 5 kg. of Peas and harvested 150 kg within 14 weeks .

This is Juan Carlos who is an Agronomist and overseas the planting work.

We also planted 1 kg. of corn seed yielding a lovely harvest of 300 kg in just 12 weeks!

We are currently ready to harvest leeks and onions. Renyer, is a student learning how to work the land. We are anticipating a good harvest with these as well.

These are some of the practical ways your support enables Juan Carlos and Renyer enabling the ministry to feed their community.

On this Thanksgiving season, we are also thankful for you and your involvement in Venezuela. Thank you so much for your help!

The Refugee, My Sister, My Brother

Let me introduce you to five friends and family who are courageously seeking to make life work in nations much different from theirs.  They carry the ‘refugee’ identity with great honor and responsibility.

Haitham and Abeer with child

Haitham and Abeer are Syrians now living in Germany. They live with a local family with whom they now share very close bonds. 
Living in Germany, they treasure democracy, freedom and care for everyone. Safety is of great importance. They appreciate the kindness shown to them and the order Germans experience in normal life. They were taken by surprise by the bureaucracy of the system, there is paper work for everything! They believe that Germans could learn how Syrian families care and support one another. They also think that Syrian food would be good for Germans!

Yaser Naseri

Yaser Naseri is an Iranian living in Australia. I asked him to share some insights into his life.
I miss many things. The family and friends, the neighborhoods, the streets and little alleys where I grew up. The trips with close friends and the smell of different seasons which is very different back home. The little villages I used to go for holiday. Gatherings with families and friends. I really miss part of Iranian culture. I love the freedom and the diversity here. I love the fact that people work hard for their goals and it seems they are more goal orientated and have plans compared to people of Iran. I love the advanced Tech which make people’s life very easy. I also love the beauty of this country at each corner of it whether it is the beach or bush or in the middle of the CBD. I love how they respect human rights at least for their people and provide all sort of support for people with different needs. I love that religion doesn’t rule here. Great democracy! I also love the education system with all the support they provide for their citizens.What is something that has really surprised you there?Well, cultural shock has happened to me for sure. High level of freedom was the first thing. The way people dress, the beaches that I was not used to full of girls with bikinis. One thing that was a real surprise for me was when I learnt what had happened to aboriginals here and a greater surprise when I figured it was so recent, (maybe 50 years ago). it was shocking and still is! The level of directness people have here is surprising too.
One aspect of Iranian culture that Aussies should adopt and why?I believe individualism is killing people here. It is mentally effecting people very badly. I found many people are lonely and suffering from anxiety. I personally can feel it here. On the other hand, in Iran we are the opposite. The culture is based on togetherness. Respect to elders, lots of gatherings, close relationship with relatives. I would drop a bit Iranian culture here and would make it perfect!

Amir Solangi

Amir Solangi is a Pakistani living in USA. He misses daily (family??) members and the respect that people generally give one another. In America, “I can live without being afraid for my life”. 

Angel Rafael Arellano

Angel Rafael Arellano is my cousin living in Bogota, Colombia. His successful consulting business had to close down and at 48 years of age, he had to start from scratch. He misses his wife, kids, parents and siblings. He also misses his friends and close acquaintances. He has enjoyed the prosperity of the city and the strong economy of the country. Most pleasant surprise is the fact that all basic services are available. Loneliness is an ever present challenge. 

Daniel and Dayana Fernández

Daniel and Dayana Fernández, Venezuelans living in Paris. Daniel is my cousin. He is a chef. They recently got married. Life has been safe but hard. Work, work, work. Dayana arrived recently and after her documents were in order they got married. She has struggled with language and a sense of fitting in. They live very modestly in a very small studio with a table and a bed for furniture. The costs are very high but in Paris they need not fear for their lives. They dream of returning home. 

An Upside Down Reality

These days in Bogotá, Colombia, one can find Venezuelans everywhere. Many are roaming the streets looking for work, others are asking for a coin to buy bread. It is heart-wrenching to see young kids in odd-sized clothing and dirty faces with either Mom or Dad looking sad and forelorn.

Colombia, with over 20 million more in population than Venezuela, has welcomed over 1.5 million Venezuelans that have simply walked across the border seeking food, medicine and safety.

In spite of its own problems and financial limitation, the local government has offered healthcare, education and even breakfast, lunch and a snack to families that process a permit to stay and legalize their documents.

In the the most amazing turn of events, Venezuelans who once hosted hundreds of thousands of Colombians now come seeking the most basic of necessities.

In the 70’s and 80’s the Venezuelan economy thrived as millions of barrels of oil were sold daily. During the same time, Colombians faced a relentless war against insurgents and drug cartels. Scores lost their lives while the rest lived in constant insecurity. With a stagnant economy, Colombians, mostly illegally, crossed into Venezuela and performed the lowest of jobs.

Colombians, a hardworking and entrepreneurial people, soon were prospering; large amounts of money were flowing back home.

Today the situation is playing out in reverse. After a tenuous yet hard-won peace agreement, Colombia is growing and its economy is expanding. Now the Venezuelans have come there, but competition is fierce and the opportunities are few.

Yesterday, I sat down with Ronald Torrez (28) from Barquisimeto. A father of four ran a successful Patacones business, a fast-selling snack. The crisis in Venezuela made it impossible for him to carry on so he sold his equipment and his house and came to Colombia with his wife and two youngest kids. Grandma took in the two older ones.

Ronald has been working as a mason. He needs to make $14 daily. He pays $7 for a small room for the family and the rest is for food. However, he often falls short and has to beg in the streets.

I offered to buy him some food and he thankfully agreed. He asked me to buy him a bread roll and when I said you must also ask something for your boy, he said okay, two rolls. His humility touched me deeply. 

Refugees share similar experiences globally. They are often not welcome in the host county, they are misunderstood and looked upon with suspicion. They are exploited and they suffer trauma. Refugees do not choose to leave home; rather, they flee for their lives.

On the other hand, they come prepared to work hard. Thankfully, Ronald and his boys are in a place of safety. 

Over 10% of the Venezuelan population have already fled their country in the last two years. As the crisis gets worse, the numbers relentlessly continue. The largest group are coming to Colombia. 

While in Bogotá, I met with my partners and other interested parties to talk about abating the refugees’ plight. We kicked off a process to develop technology to asses the skills of people like Ronald and match them to local job opportunities.

Refugees represent a grim reality and we must proactively help them to help themselves. 

Bogotá presents a great opportunity for this

Malaria Day

On this Malaria Day 2019, when African nations are at the focus of global attempts at eradication, one of the most tragic malaria epidemics exists in Venezuela.

Venezuela was the first nation in the world to be certified by the World Health Organization for eradicating malaria in its most populated areas, beating the United States and other developed countries to that milestone in 1961.

It was a huge accomplishment that helped pave Venezuela’s development as an oil power and fueled hopes that a model to stamp out malaria across the globe was at hand. Since then, the world has dedicated enormous amounts of time and money to beating back the disease, with deaths plummeting by 60% in places with malaria in recent years, according to the W.H.O.

But in Venezuela, the clock has been running backward.

Over the past few years, it all started at the gold mines. With the economy in tatters, at least 70,000 people from all walks of life have been streaming to the southern part of the country, said Jorge Moreno, a leading mosquito expert in Venezuela. As they hunt for gold in watery pits, the perfect breeding ground for the mosquitoes that spread the disease, they are catching malaria by the tens of thousands.

Then, with the disease in their blood, they return home to towns and cities. But because of the economic collapse, there is often no medicine and little fumigation to prevent mosquitoes from biting them and passing malaria to others, sickening tens of thousands more people and leaving entire towns desperate for help.

The Chavez-Maduro regime went through 16 Health Ministers in 18 years. Then in 2015 they stopped releasing health data altogether. In 2017 Dr. Antonieta Caporale, Minister of Health, courageously released an alarming report detailing a terrifying increase of malaria and was fired immediately.

It is now estimated that 1 million people have been exposed to the virus, making Venezuela the nation with the fastest growing cases of malaria.

The Maduro regime continues to callously prevent all approaches to mitigate the crisis. In the name of national security, he is not allowing any solution to be introduced.

Venezuela has been here before. Back in the mid 1930’s malaria was the main public threat. 10,000 people died every year and a third of the population was sick. Fortunately, Dr. Arnoldo Gabaldón left a comfortable research position in the US returning home to battle the epidemic.

In 1935, the then dictator Gomez died and new possibilities emerged. The new president declared the malaria epidemic as a national emergency calling Dr. Gabaldon to return. By 1962 malaria was eradicated and no Venezuelan died of malaria. You can read the whole story here.

Today we have powerful new tools to mitigate the advance of malaria. Working with Interim President Juan Guaido, we recently met at a Stanford University conference on Venezuela Dr. Julio Castro, who leads the battle for health in Venezuela. Together with millions of Venezuelans Dr. Castro awaits for the day when malaria can be rolled back once again.

Making a Difference in Venezuela

Dear friends, the situation in Venezuela is very critical at the moment. In the last two weeks the electricity and water supply has been severely limited in 95% of the country due primarily to the lack to maintenance and qualified personnel to properly run it.

Maduro rule is literally destroying the people in this nation. Venezuelans who are able to work, are earning the equivalent of $1 per day (average). This is not enough to provide subsistence for a family. As for example 1 kilo of rice costs $1, 1 kilo of cheese $10, 1 kilo of chicken $18 (when found in stores). 

A working family of 5 can be assisted with two bags per month of basic supplies for $30 per month.

We have been actively involved through two local churches and pastors who have chosen to stay back and minister to people. Their decision is indeed a courageous one as anyone seeking to help outside the existing government structures is viewed as an enemy of the state.

We are directly working with two churches outside of the capital city of Caracas who are helping their local community anyway they can: The Lord is our Refuge Church in Colonia Tovar (42 kms outside Caracas) with Pastor Abihail Lara and New Jerusalem Church in Turmero (90 minutes from Caracas) with Pastor Alexis Cortez.

We would like to provide two bags of food per month to 300 families over the next three months. Each bag contains pasta, rice, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, sanitary napkins for ladies, 1 kg of sugar, 1 kg of flour, 1 kg of precooked meat, 1 dozen eggs. To make this reality, we need to raise

$9,000 each month for a total of $27,000

Once the funds are available, a transfer will be immediately made of 100% of funds to an account that is accessible to our team in Venezuela. They use a debit card there to make wholesale purchases of the goods to be distributed.

We are in touch with our partners on a daily basis. We get receipts and updates for purchases made on a weekly basis. Pictures are sent of goods purchased and then pictures are sent of distribution opportunities. We continue in regular discussions regarding impact and response. 

People need food now and we are prepared to purchase and deliver as soon as possible

Any gift is tax deductible and should go though Next Step Ministries Tax ID 20-0287873  Address: 809 Pinon Ave. Millbrae, CA 94030  

See the video: Walking Backwards: One woman’s journey in Venezuela.

A Decisive Weekend for Venezuela and The Americas

This coming weekend, a slow but decisive process of change is launching. More than 50 nations have recognized Interim President Juan Guaidó who has put in place a recovery plan that starts with Humanitarian Aid of Food and Medicines. Maduro has said that the aid will not come and no one knows what will happen.

After 20 years of Chavez and his handpicked successor Maduro, his failed “Socialism of the 21st Century” has utterly failed. The country of my birth has gone from the land of plenty, where everyone had free access to quality education, decent free medical and dental care and where anyone who worked could provide food and shelter to their families, to a place characterized by despair, hopelessness and a distorted outlook on life.

Venezuela shamefully has the highest inflation rate in the world. By the end of last year, prices were doubling every 19 days on average. This has left many Venezuelans struggling to afford basic items such as food and toiletries. Income loses its purchasing power the moment it is received. The minimum monthly salary is equivalent to US$6, which currently buys three cans of tuna fish. As a result the body weight of Venezuelans has been reduced by an average of 19 pounds!

Venezuela had the most developed economy in Latin America. Since the end of World War II, the country experienced an unprecedented development boost, becoming a magnet for immigrants from Southern Europe, the Middle East and other Latin countries. In the 1980’s the economy began to wobble, its meltdown accelerated by the corruption and poor stewardship under Chavez and Maduro. 

By 2015 medical care collapsed as only 35% of hospital beds were available and 50% of operating rooms were not functioning due to lack of resources. In May of the same year the Venezuelan Medical Federation announced that 15,000 doctors had left the public health care system because of shortages of drugs, equipment and poor pay. Malaria, which was almost non existent in Venezuela, is now projected to rise to over 600,000 cases per year. Measles and diphtheria have also returned with a vengeance.

Life has only become worse for Venezuelans

Venezuelans have left the country in droves. Some estimates are as high as 4 million or 12% of the population. And many of those who have left in the past are not allowed re-entry back into Venezuela with their US visa. Venezuelans are regularly posting requests on social media for blood pressure medicine and other basic medicaments. Many of those supplies have been denied entry and stopped at the border. With Maduro’s announcement that the Brazil border will close, and possibly that of Colombia, this desperate need for supplies will only escalate.

American-Venezuelan family joining in protest in San Francisco, CA

This coming 23rd February, 2019 is the day when the Interim President of Venezuela Juan Guiadó has committed as the decisive moment when the International Humanitarian Aid will come in to begin the process aiming to end some of the darkest days in Venezuelan history.

President Guaidó commands the hearts and minds of the people

The best case scenario is that people will come to the border points to receive humanitarian aid and the Venezuelan soldiers will stand down, allowing them to move freely. Their mothers and siblings will be among them for they also face the same tragic reality.

The interim President has also established a distribution network designed to reach everyone in the whole nation. The BIG question is, “What will the Army do?”

Here’s how you can help Venezuela:

  • Watch Venezuela Live Aid and contribute towards the $100 million Richard Branson is seeking to raise.
  • Read more and share on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to create awareness of the needs.
  • Support Next Step as we fund agricultural projects and micro-enterprises in Venezuela.


Venezuela Project

Hope For Venezuela

Death Has Free Reign in Venezuela

Venezuela Article in Lausanne