Uncertain Times in Venezuela

On July 28, the people of Venezuela once again fulfilled their civic duty by lining up to cast their votes, with some waiting for up to seven hours to ensure their voices were heard. Preliminary results compiled by the opposition revealed a decisive victory with a resounding 70% of the votes. However, the National Electoral Council announced President Maduro as the winner while refusing to release the voting data, leading to widespread protests and escalating tensions.

In response to the ensuing crisis, thousands have taken to the streets, resulting in numerous arrests and a tragic loss of life. The economic fallout has been severe, with many sources of income being impacted and the need for support reaching critical levels.

Our organization has been working tirelessly to create productive work opportunities and provide a means for people to stay and thrive in their communities. Although we have made significant progress, the current situation necessitates additional resources to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected.

We urgently request your support to assist those who have been helping others in these challenging times. Your financial contribution will be crucial in the following ways:

  1. Covering basic living expenses, such as housing, food, and transportation
  2. Providing essential resources needed to carry out vital humanitarian work
  3. Offering emotional support and mental health services to help individuals cope with the stress and trauma they encounter

Your support is greatly appreciated during this time of need. Please consider making a donation to our organization and stand with the people of Venezuela as they navigate these challenging times.

Check out these services we offer in Venezuela (all in Spanish)




